Marci Lefevre


Marci Lefevre has been teaching for 23 years. She has been married to her husband John for 28 years, and they have two kids, Kilee and Anthony. Additionally, Mrs. Lefevre is now the proud Mimi to four boys!

Mrs. Lefevre loves to walk, read, and hang out with her family and friends. She loves all things Disney, and considers her Kindergarteners an absolute delight.

We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.

- Hebrews 6:19


Birthday: February 5

Color: Gray/white

Hobby: Reading & crafting

Weekend Activity: Spending time with her family & Disneyland!

Favorite Treat: Fruit, water, almonds, cheese, peanut m&m’s
Starbucks- iced coffee, heavy cream and 2 pumps of classic



Marisa Medina

Marisa Medina has been teaching for 4 years and is a past Cornerstone graduate. She enjoys being apart of the CCS family; as well as sharing the love and word of God with her students. 

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”

‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭43:18-19‬ 


Birthday: September 14

Color: Mint Blue

Hobby: Board Games and Movies

Weekend Activity: Walking my dogs, spending time with friends and my husband.

Favorite Treat: Popcorn, pretzels, fruit, and fruit. Starbucks - Cold brew with any kind of cold foam.

Debbie Seeley


Debbie Seeley is originally from Arizona and has lived in California for the last 16 years. She has a wonderful husband of 22 years and an amazing son who is in 12th grade this year at Cornerstone. 

Mrs. Seeley has been teaching for 18 years and working with children since she was old enough to babysit. Teaching is more than just a job for her; it is something she loves to do. She especially loves teaching at a Christian school! There is nothing better than sharing the love of Jesus with the next generation! She loves spending time with her family, reading and visiting all places Disney!

This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.

- Psalm 118:24


Birthday: March 26

Color: Navy blue

Hobby: Reading, indoor cycling classes

Weekend Activity: Spending time with her family

Favorite Treat: Boba Tea


Kindergarten Highlights

Kindergarten Curriculum



Phonics & Reading

Recognition of name, sound, and picture of long and short vowels and consonants

Sounding of blends, one and two vowel words, and words with special sounds

Beginning phonics rules and special sounds

Reading sentences and stories from twelve books containing one and two vowel words and special sounds

Phonetic awareness

Sight words


Letters, blends, words, and sentences

Name - first and last


Recognition of sentences by capital letters and punctuation


Number recognition, counting, and writing 1-100

Number concepts 1-100

Numbers before and after 1-100

Numbers largest and smallest 1-100

Counting and writing by tens to 100

Counting and writing by fives to 100

Counting and writing by twos to 100

Number sequences by ones

Using number words 1-10 and first-tenth

Value of coins and dollar bill

Telling time

Using the calendar

Days of the week

Addition facts through 10

One-step story problems in addition

Beginning subtraction



Seasonal Science

Learning Centers


God’s Plan for Animals

God’s Plan for the Seashore

Health & Human Biology

God’s Plan for Me

5 Senses

Earth & Space

God’s Plan for Weather

God’s Plan for Seasons


Community Helpers

Children of the World

America: Our Great Country (map studies, famous Americans, and places)


Bible memory verses A-Z

Lessons such as Salvation Series, Genesis, Life of Christ

Memory verses, hymns/choruses, and Bible doctrine


Traditional, patriotic, and fun songs


Basic art concepts

Further development of coordination/motor skills